
  • First 2025 JIS Issue is Published + Journal Updates


    Our first issue of the 2025 volume is now published! We have all new articles below. Additionally, we have several journal updates below the issue information, including our big publication year, journal metrics, and review times.



    The Impact of Esports on the Habits, Health, and Wellness of the Collegiate Player

    Julie Delello, Rochell McWhorter, Sangok Yoo, Paul Roberts, &Beth Adele


    Exploring Intercollegiate Adaptive Athletics Program Structures: An Application of Open Systems Theory

    Jasmine Townsend, Breida Hill, &Brandi Crowe


    Who does this benefit? A consideration of demographics in the access and impact of retirement from college sport programming

    Hannah R. Kloetzer, Molly Harry, & Elizabeth A. Taylor


    “One of the Most Satisfying Parts of the Job”: The Perceived Mattering and Role Satisfaction of NCAA Faculty Athletic Representatives

    Allison Smith, Robin Hardin, Elizabeth Taylor, Jessica Siegele, & Kelsie Saxe


    Athletic ability, performance, and character: A hierarchical examination of prospective college athlete evaluation and the function of recruiting as institutional work

    Drew Swinney, Chris Corr, Sarah Stokowski, & Mike Godfrey


    An Ethical Application to Student-Athlete Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Sponsorship

    John Fortunato


    Journal Updates

    I wanted to provide everyone with an update on journal activities, as we have stayed active in the second half of 2023. Lots of great nuggets!


    • Big Publication Year – New Highs
    • Editorial Board Changes
    • New Low Review Time
    • Other Journal Data
    • Journal Ranking/Listing - Update
    • Finalizing Journal Fellow Designation



    Big Publication Year – New Highs

    Journal of Intercollegiate Sport had several years of growth and support that culminated into an excellent 2024 publication year. The journal published their most articles in a calendar year that didn’t include a special issue. This is also the first year where JIS published the most articles for a college sport-focused journal. This is a big testament to our editorial board, submitting authors, guest reviewers, and audience. Thank you!


    Editorial Board Changes

    We have added one new editorial board member, as Lauren Beasley at Georgia State has joined our team. Welcome, Dr. Beasley!


    New Low Review Time

    We have broken our record for average time for manuscript review. We are now averaging 20.97 days for a reviewer to return a manuscript to the editorial team, down from 24.79 days in 2023 and 38.25 days in 2022. This is an important metric because we know it’s important for our authors and our journal to review and turn-around manuscripts quickly.


    Other Journal Data

    Lots of other nuggets to share:

    • Our journal article downloads tripled last year from 2023 and 2022.
    • This was our fourth year out of the last five where the journal acceptance rate was 30% or lower.
    • We tied our journal yearly record high of 125 completed manuscript reviews.
    • Days to first decision has gone from 11 days in 2021 to 2 days in 2024.
    • Submissions were down in 2024 (49) compared to 2023 (63).
    • Days from submission to accept increased from 175 (2023) to 197 (2024).
      • I want to mention that this number increased because a manuscript was given a long reprieve because of an author death. We are still well below journal averages (369 days).
    • Days from submission to reject decreased from 38 days (2023) to 19 days (2024).


    Journal Ranking/Listing - Update

    It’s been a priority to complete the necessary steps to have JIS listed on the journal metrics and journal tracking organizations. This is being done to support faculty research, increase the interest of JIS for prospective authors, and assess our journal’s quality with our peers. As of 2/16, the JIS editors have submitted applications to Web of Science and Scopus for journal indexing. We also will submit an application to the Chartered Association of Business Schools.


    Finalizing Journal Fellow Designation

    We gave an update last year of exploring a fellow designation for Journal of Intercollegiate Sport. We have collected some metrics and will be sharing the initial plans with our editorial board in the near future, with a full announcement scheduled for later in 2025.

    Read more about First 2025 JIS Issue is Published + Journal Updates
  • Final 2024 Issue – Journal of Intercollegiate Sport


    JIS Community,


    Excited to publish a third issue for the 17th volume of Journal of Intercollegiate Sport. While normally our journal is a bi-annual publication, we have seen an increase in submissions and demand that necessitated a third issue this year. I’ll save the journal updates for January as a yearly review and comparison to where things stand. For now, see below for the new issue articles:



    New Issue



    In memoriam of Emeka Anaza





    Beyond the Hashtags: The Impacts of Self-Promotion and Social Media on Sleep and Mental Health among Student-Athletes

    Nina Adjanin & Rhonda Cross Beemer



    The Effect of Athletic Identity and Other Factors on Adaptation to Sport Retirement

    Andrea Cota Powell, Patti Berg-Poppe, Andrew C. Pickett, Moses Ikiugu, & Whitney Lucas Molitor



    Adversity and Resiliency: Athlete Experiences within U.S. College Sport 

    Erianne Weight, Jack Mitchell Haroldson, Molly Harry, & Ellie Rudd



    A Content Analysis of the Journal of Intercollegiate Sport: 2008-2022

    Dylan Williams, Gregg Rich, Olivia Durham, & Kevin Doran



    College Sport Communicator Leaders’ Perceptions of Sport Information Operations

    Kelly Elliott



    Closing Time: Open Records Law and College Athletics

    James Scott White



    An Exploration of Student-Athletes Perception on the Athletic Trainer/Coach Relationship: Case Study on Social Support 

    Nikki Owens & Emeka Anaza



    NIL and Higher Education: An Exploration of the Early Impact of NIL on Fundraising and Competition in Universities and Athletic Departments

    Wesley Meares, Lance Hunter, Martha Ginn, & William Hatcher


    Read more about Final 2024 Issue – Journal of Intercollegiate Sport
  • Second 2024 Issue & Journal Updates – Journal of Intercollegiate Sport


    JIS Community,


    Happy Summer everyone!


    First, I am happy to announce that our second issue of the 2024 year has now been published. As I mentioned in the last announcement, we’ve had a significant increase in submissions recently, which is great news for our journal and our community. Because of that, we will have a third regular issue for later this year, likely released in mid- or late fall semester. This would be an additional issue for the journal based on recent norms, but it is warranted because of the increased author interest.



    New Issue

    “Is it Hard Out Here for a Player?”: Understanding the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Athletic Identity Among College Student Athletes

    Courtney Copeland, Dr. Amy Reynolds, Jessica Ackley


    Follower-Leader Development: Uncovering Micro-moments of Female Student-athlete Leader Development

    Zack Damon, Jon Welty Peachey, Janelle Wells, Drew Pickett, Jeff Ward


    Examining classroom learning behaviors academic and athletic motivation in collegiate athletes

    Kayleigh Hart, Leilani Madrigal, Alison Ede, Jana Fogaca


    Coaching Transition and Nature of Change: An Examination of NCAA DI Team Sports

    James Johnson, Nick Elam, Davis Matz


    Understanding The Lived Experiences of Black Female College Athletes and Factors that Influence their Anxiety.

    Luka Ojemaye, Joyce Olushola-Ogunrinde, Billy Hawkins, & Michael Cottingham


    Promoting Coaches on Instagram: A Content Analysis of Posts Featuring NCAA Division I Coaches of Women’s Sports 

    Martina Santia, Jodi Upton, Scott Hirko


    "From Sweats to Suits": Administrators' Recommendations For Student-Athlete Career Development Services.

    Jackson Sears, Natalie Bunch, Tyler Williams, Beth A. Cianfrone


    Journal Updates

    I wanted to provide everyone with an update on journal activities. Variety of topics and happy to hear your feedback.

    • Manuscript Guideline Changes
    • New Student Editor
    • Editorial Board Changes
    • Journal Data
    • Implementation of Issue Art
    • Future Plans


    Manuscript Guideline Changes – We made our anticipated manuscript guideline changes this week. After having a couple years in this role and getting feedback from all of you, we have tried to clarify and adjust our guidelines. We have made changes to word count limits, double-spaced submissions,


    New Student EditorPlease welcome Morgan Antonazzo to our JIS leadership team. Morgan is a University of Cincinnati graduate student in the sport administration program. She will be starting on July 1st and will be providing support on copyedit, web site, and communication responsibilities between authors and reviewers. We are fortunate that the University of Cincinnati is willing to provide support for us to hire a student editor.


    Editorial Board ChangesSince the last update we have added two new editorial board members. Molly Harry (University of Florida) and Simran Sethi (University of Kentucky) are our new board members and have already supported our submissions in the past two years.


    Journal Data- #NerdData. I’ll save the bigger data dump for the first 2025 issue announcement for the 2024 data, but here is a quick snippet on how much more work is going on behind the scenes related to increased submissions and completed reviews.

    • 2023 Completed Reviews (As of June 10th): 43
    • 2024 Completed Reviews (As of June 10th): 73


    Implementation of Issue ArtWe have added open access art to each issue in 2024. Feel free to check out our first two choices for this year.


    Future Plans - Here are a few things being planned for the future:

    • In lieu of a special issue, we plan on making a call on “Topics of Interest” – where we will highlight a couple research topics the editorial team believes is an underserved or burgeoning topic for our field. This would allow us to make the announcement to give authors time to make a submission, use the same process and editors, and emphasizes a greater interest from the editors to prospective authors looking to start research on these topics or looking for a journal home related to their ongoing work. Once we finalize this, we will send out an announcement through the respective channels.
    • We are also considering a JIS Fellow designation and should be finalizing these details soon. We want to champion some of the great scholars within the college sport research area and those that have been important JIS stakeholders.
    Read more about Second 2024 Issue & Journal Updates – Journal of Intercollegiate Sport
  • New Issue & Journal Updates – Journal of Intercollegiate Sport


    JIS Community,

    I hope everyone is having a great spring semester. We have lots of new information to provide to our community.

    First, I am happy to announce that our first issue of the 2024 year has now been published. We’ve had a growing number and quality of submissions to JIS, which is showcased by the excellent and diverse set of topics in our new issue.

    New Issue

    Examining the framing of mental health in Division I student-athlete handbooks
    David Cassilo, Jimmy Sanderson

    Examining Faculty Perspectives on the Role and Value of Intercollegiate Athletics
    Molly Harry, Daniel Springer

    Good student-athlete representation
    Vicki Schull, Lisa A. Kihl 

    “We are the minority”: Latinx student-athletes experiences within their Predominantly White Institutions
    Melody Alanis, George B. Cunningham, Natasha T. Brison

    Identity Dynamics in Collegiate Olympic Athletes Post-Tokyo 2020: A Pre-Post Study
    Grace Kazmierski-Davie, Khalid Ballouli

    Reframing the Service Environment in Collegiate Sport: A Transformative Sport Service Research Approach
    Yiqi Yang, Erika Gray, Keita Kinoshita, Eric MacIntosh

    Journal Updates

    I wanted to provide everyone with an update on journal activities, as we have stayed active in the second half of 2023. Lots of great nuggets!

    • New Associate Editor
    • Editorial Board Changes
    • DOAJ
    • Web of Science
    • Journal Data
    • Future Plans

    New Associate Editor - Pleased to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Taylor (Temple University) has joined the journal as Associate Editor. She has been an EOB member for some years and has published multiple times at JIS. I have collaborated with Dr. Taylor many times in the past, so I fully expect a strong rapport with her throughout her term and us maintaining the aggressive timeline set last year.

    Editorial Board Changes - Several editorial board changes were made last year. This year, some smaller changes were made based on excellent guest reviews and submission trends. We have added Dominque Kropp (Xavier University) and Nataliya Bredikhina (University of Kansas) to the board. There is a need for an extra 1-3 board members. Of particular interest are individuals who have expertise in athletic identity, NIL, and academics. If you are interested in being a guest reviewer, please e-mail me ( and provide some details on your research expertise. Happy to support opportunities for doctoral students as well, as we already use them as our review team and the editorial staff provides them further feedback on their review.

    DOAJ - Our journal was approved and listed on the Directory of Open-Access Journal repository. This included revisions and review of our submission guidelines and author permissions for published papers. This is an important component for our pledge towards open access and provides us with an important distinction on author control and journal accessibility.

    Web of Science - We are in the beginning stages of being listed on Web of Science. The long-term goal is to achieve an impact factor and make the journal more attractive to researchers and more valuable to authors in their tenure, promotion, or merit reviews. We will try to provide more updates later this year.

    Journal Data- If you are still reading at this point, let’s nerd out for a moment and talk about journal data. First, JIS is the 4th most downloaded journal with the KU Press journal portfolio (out of 56). Next, we set several (good!) records this past year; the 2023 year had (a) the most submissions received, shortest timeframe to first decision, total completed reviews, shortest average timeframe of completed review, shortest days to accept, and shortest days to reject. Here is the breakdown of journal data:

    2023 Journal Data

    Submissions Received: 63 (highest ever, up 21% from last year)
    Acceptance Rate: 26% (JIS historical acceptance rate is 28%)
    Days to First Decision: 4 (lowest ever, down 50%)
    Completed Reviews: 125 (highest ever, up 56% from last year)
    Articles Published: 16 (second highest since KU Press, up 60% from last year)

    Days to Accept: 175 (shortest timeframe ever, down 30% from last year)
    Days to Reject: 38 (shortest timeframe ever, down 62% from last year)

    Average Days for Completed Review: 24.53 (shortest timeframe ever, down 36% from last year)

    I plan on tracking these data points every year to maintain journal health and identify areas that need to be improved. Thanks to our EOB, guest reviewers, authors, and KU Press staff for helping us make big strides in performance this past year.

    Future Plans -Here are a few things being planned for the future:

    • We’ve been told that website changes will be upcoming. I believe these website changes will alter how the JIS website looks when it’s rolled out, but this is still TBD.
    • The journal will consider a 2025 special issue. If you have a topic, please reach out to us.
      • It will be important for the journal to have special issue editors that will maintain the quick response rate set in 2023 and maintain consistent communication between submitting authors, reviewers, and the JIS
    • Changes to the manuscript guidelines. This summer we are going to review all manuscript guidelines and do a full revamp, if necessary. If you have feedback on what you would like to see or how we can do things differently, we want to hear from you!
    Read more about New Issue & Journal Updates – Journal of Intercollegiate Sport
  • New Issue - Journal of Intercollegiate Sport




    Our third and final issue this year for Journal of Intercollegiate Sport has been published. We had four excellent articles published in this issue. Each has been provided via link below. You’ll notice our new logos have been implemented for the first time in this issue. I’ll provide another update around the end of 2023 with journal statistics and various updates we have in the works. We'll try to have these posted on our new Twitter handle soon. In the meantime, if you could follow the handle (@JofInterSport), it would be much appreciated. Thanks again to the authors for our new articles, our editorial board, and guest reviewers.


    Chasing Stars: Racial Tasking of Recruiting Responsibilities among Power-5 Football Coaches

    Chris Corr, Trevor Bopp, Christopher Atwater, & Calvin Nite



    Tutor Perceptions of Division I College Athletes

    Molly Harry & Amanda Hoffman



    The Upward Mobility Potential in U.S. Intercollegiate Athletics: A Critical Examination of NCAA Division I College Baseball Players’ Hometown Demographics

    Kirsten Hextrum & Jeremy Kim



    Factors that Influence the Academic Success of College Athletes Participating in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics

    Katie Moleski, B. David Ridpath, & Lijing Yang

    Read more about New Issue - Journal of Intercollegiate Sport
  • Journal Updates (7.16.23)


    JIS Community,


    I’ll try to make these announcements on a semi-annual basis. We’ve undergone many changes at Journal of Intercollegiate Sport recently, so I wanted to provide an update. First, I want to thank many of you for the well wishes on my recent appointment at EIC. I’ve been grateful for the excellent mentorship provided by Dr. Welty Peachey since I joined as associate editor a year ago and the foundation provided by the previous JIS editors since its creation in 2008.


    Like many of you, the timing of the journal’s creation and my research agenda has meant that JIS has been especially important for me as a scholarly outlet. My goal is to position the journal to being at the forefront of choices for authors publishing and the readership interested in the college sport industry. Here are some of the changes we have implemented recently at JIS.


    • Review Board
    • Pilot with SMGT Doc Programs
    • Review Time Shortened from Three to One Month
    • Logo Changes
    • Jitterbug
    • Social Media
    • Smaller Changes
    • Future Plans


    • We have recently implemented several review board changes.
      • Twelve editorial board members were rotated off and six new members were added. The six new additions are Drs. Lisa Rubin, Sayvon Foster, Ajhanai Keaton, Liz Taylor, David Pifer, and Charles Macaulay. These changes are allowing a new set of folks to review scholarship at JIS and providing greater coverage of recent topics being submitted to the journal. A few more review board members will be added in 2024. Happy to add these new folks to the journal!
    • Created a pilot program with sport management/administration doctoral programs where advanced stage doctoral students are given an opportunity to be a reviewer.
      • Article reviews are often an under-prepared experience for doctoral students. From talking to doc students and new PhDs, there is a lot of mystery of what is expected from reviewing a journal article and the best approach.
      • Our approach has been reaching out to handful of doctoral granting institutions, collecting names of students who the program believes are more prepared for reviewing and have the time availability to complete them, collecting information on their expertise, and partnering them with experienced board members. Once the student has submitted their review, I provide them feedback on their submission, and I also share the other reviewer’s feedback. So far this has been a successful program that will continue in 2024.
    • Review time windows has been reduced from three months to one month.
      • This change was done for three reasons – (1) this is advantageous for authors, (2) it makes the journal as competitive as possible for authors deciding on a journal outlet, and (3) early reviewer data is showing the great majority of reviewers are completing their reviews in a 30-day window already. We have been slowly integrating this over the past 18 months to good results. I’ll be sharing our review data at the end of the year.
    • Logo changes
      • You’ll notice on the website and our new social media (via Twitter) account that we have created new logos for the journals. It was time to explore new branding for the journal that was functional as a brand on new journal articles (going forward) and social media friendly. There are three new logos: (a) for the website, (b) for social media/thumbnails, and (c) for published articles. These were designed with scoreboard aesthetics, particularly a nod to the old-school bulb scoreboards, creating a connection between our logo and a standard structure within college sport.
    • Jitterbug integration for each article
      • All article webpages now have an application called Jitterbug that is providing month-by-month counting stats for article downloads. This will provide faculty a statistical tool for supporting your research’s impact. Here is an example article webpage, just scroll down and you’ll see the download graphic:
    • Social Media
    • Smaller changes
      • Switched from the page numbers resetting from every issue to every volume.
      • Authors will be asked to submit their references from before submission to after acceptance. You still need to include references with your manuscript, this was a separate action.
    • Future Plans
      • We have a meeting with KU Press soon to start the process to becoming a member of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). This work will take place later this summer and into the fall semester.
      • I’m exploring a manuscript guidelines refresh for authors. I’ll wait until we get feedback from DOAJ on what’s needed on our website before starting this process.
      • As mentioned earlier, I have been digging through some of the KU Press reports to collect year-by-year data on journal statistics, such as submissions, completed reviews, time to acceptance, average review time, etc. I have all the data from 2019 (transition to KU Press) to current, but I’ll wait until 2023 has closed before releasing everything.
      • I’ll look to add an Associate Editor in the fall semester.
      • I’m cautiously exploring a special issue topic for 2025. We’ll want assurances that potential guest editors have a timely topic, assurances of sticking to deadlines, and it fits within our purpose.


    I know it’s a long e-mail, so I appreciate those of you who stuck through this update to the end. Again, I really appreciate the leadership of the past editors and support provided by the editorial board members since the journal’s inception. We hope these changes will position the journal for further, great success moving forward.

    Read more about Journal Updates (7.16.23)
  • New Issue - Journal of Intercollegiate Sport




    We just published our second issue this year for Journal of Intercollegiate Sport. This is also our first issue since our editorial board changes. Dr. Welty Peachy has transitioned to the Editor Emeriti role and Dr. Huml has become our new Editor-in-Chief. We also are in midst of editorial board changes that will be finalized in the coming months. If you’re interested in being an EB member, especially if you are a faculty member at a teaching/hybrid institution, or a practitioner working within the alt-ac sport community, please e-mail


    Support to Classify Intercollegiate Athletics Participation as a High Impact Practice

    Molly Harry


    Analyzing the Mediating Effects of Social Capital and Sense of Community Between International Student’s College Sports Team Identification and Acculturation

    Kibaek Kim, Sarah Stokowski, Alison Fridley, & Jinwook Han


    Examining Associations of Coping Strategies with Stress, Alcohol, and Substance use among College Athletes: Implications for Improving Athlete Coping

    Brandon A. Knettel, Emily M. Cherenack, Conner Rougier-Chapman, & Courtney Bianchi-Rossi


    Athletic Conference Consideration for Adding New Sports Post-COVID

    Sloane Milstein, Julie Lanzillo, & Zack Damon


    #USportsSoMale: Gender (In)equity in Canadian Interuniversity Varsity Sport

    Daniel B. Robinson, Charlene Weaving, & Christa Spicer



    Matt Huml, PhD
    Assistant Professor
    Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Intercollegiate Sport
    School of Human Services
    University of Cincinnati
    Cincinnati, OH 45221

    Read more about New Issue - Journal of Intercollegiate Sport