Understanding The Lived Experiences of Black Female College Athletes and Factors that Influence their Anxiety
Black female athletes, College athletes, Anxiety, Athlete well-being, Intersectionality, Gender and raceAbstract
To inform the development of culturally and socially appropriate interventions, this study examined the lived experiences of Black female college athletes (BFCA) and identified sources that increase their vulnerability to anxiety. Black Feminist Thought, with sub-tenets of intersectionality and outsider within status, was used as the theoretical foundation to examine the lives of the BFCA. Using an interpretative phenomenological approach, this qualitative study addressed the question: What sociocultural factors affect anxiety in Black female college athletes? Nine Black female college athletes from an NCAA Division I program agreed to participate in this study. Regarding the sources of anxiety, four themes emerged: regimented schedule (subthemes: lack of freedom, decreased choices, and external locus), forced community (subthemes: isolation and team conflict), emphasis on athletics (subthemes: coaching pressures, training pressures, and academic pressures) and navigating marginalization (subthemes: gender & racial stereotypes and gender & racial inequality). Two unexpected themes also materialized: family support and suggested solutions (subthemes: representation and communication). The findings and analysis were based on the data collected and the theoretical lens. The results suggest the need for culturally appropriate interventions to support this specific college athlete population.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luka Ojemaye, Joyce Olushola-Ogunrinde Ph.D., Billy Hawkins Ph.D., Michael Cottingham Ph.D.

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