Mentoring Characteristics and Functions Important to Men and Women within Intercollegiate Athletic Administration


  • Glenna Bower University of Southern Indiana
  • Mary Hums University of Louisville
  • Sarah Williams University of Louisville



mentoring, gender, athletic administration


Female athletic administrators were asked about the role of mentoring in their careers as women while male athletic administrators were asked about the role of mentoring in their careers as men working in intercollegiate athletic administration.  The researchers gathered and compared information on mentor characteristics as well as career and psychosocial benefits of having a mentor. Participants were 518 female and 778 male athletic administrators working at NCAA Division I, II, and IIII, NAIA, NCCAA, and NJCAA schools. A three-step content-analytic procedure was used to analyze the qualitative data.

Men identified being trustworthy, supportive, respected, and a good listener while women identified being supportive, hardworking, and knowledgeable as the most important mentor characteristics. Men most frequently named coaching and challenging assignments as career benefits from mentors while women named exposure/visability and coaching. Both men and women most frequently identified counseling and role modeling as psychosocial benefits from mentors.


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How to Cite

Bower, G., Hums, M., & Williams, S. (2019). Mentoring Characteristics and Functions Important to Men and Women within Intercollegiate Athletic Administration. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 12(1), 2-24.