Graduate Student-Athletes: An Examination of Identity Roles and Transition


  • Amanda Blakewood Pascale University of North Florida
  • Elizabeth Gregg University of North Florida
  • Andrea Buenano University of Cincinnati



Athlete Identity; Graduate Student Athlete; Student-Athlete; Student-Athlete Transition


Increasingly, student athletes are enrolling in graduate programs with remaining athletic eligibility. From identity role conflict and transition theory approaches, this study examines how graduate student athletes develop by negotiating their identities as both graduate students and as athletes. Implications for collegiate administrators, coaches, and faculty who seek to support graduate student success and transition out of sport are discussed.


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Author Biographies

  • Elizabeth Gregg, University of North Florida

    Associate Professor, Sport Management 

    Chair of the Department of Leadership, School Counseling, & Sport Managment

  • Andrea Buenano, University of Cincinnati

    Assistant Professor, Sport Administration 



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How to Cite

Pascale, A. B., Gregg, E., & Buenano, A. (2021). Graduate Student-Athletes: An Examination of Identity Roles and Transition. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 14(1).