Revision of the orchid bee subgenus Euglossella (Hymenoptera: Apidae), part II: The viridis and mandibularis species groups
Anthophila, Apoidea, Apidae, Apinae, Euglossini, Euglossa, EuglossellaAbstract
The second and final part of a revision of the subgenus Euglossella Moure in the orchid bee genus Euglossa Latreille (Apinae: Euglossini) is presented here, redefining the species groups within it to comply with current morphological and molecular phylogenetic hypotheses. We present a fully illustrated account of the species comprising the newly defined viridis and mandibularis species groups, with comparable diagnoses for all species, keys to the new scheme of species groups within the subgenus, and keys for males and females to the species of the two groups here treated. The viridis group as presented here is composed of 12 species, five of them newly described — Euglossa (Euglossella) celiae Hinojosa-Díaz & Engel, new species, E. (E.) subandina Hinojosa-Díaz & Engel, new species, E. (E.) cetera Hinojosa-Díaz & Engel, new species, E. (E.) cupella Hinojosa-Díaz & Engel, new species, and E. (E.) ashei Hinojosa-Díaz & Engel, new species — and one resurrected from synonymy as E. (E.) azurea Ducke. Euglossa (Euglossella) viridis (Perty), E. (E.) cyanea Friese, E. (E.) polita Ducke, E. (E.) perviridis Dressler, E. (E.) cyanura Cockerell, and E. (E.) granti Cheesman comprise the remaining species within the group. Females of E. perviridis are described for the first time. The mandibularis group includes three species — E. (E.) mandibularis Friese, E. (E.) bigibba Dressler, and E. (E.) perfulgens Moure. In total, considering the six species previously included in the decorata group, the subgenus now includes a total of 21 species. New country records are presented for E. viridis, E. perviridis, and E. mandibularis. Notes on morphological variation and distribution are included as is a summary of known chemical attractants and floral substrates.Metrics
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