A new species of Chiasmognathus from Kazakhstan (Hymenoptera: Apidae)





Apidae, Nomadinae, Ammobatini, Chiasmognathus


A new species of the ammobatine bee genus Chiasmognathus Engel (Nomadinae: Ammobatini) is described and figured from near Almaty, Kazakhstan. Chiasmognathus scythicus Engel & Packer, new species, is superficially similar to C. gussakovskii (Popov), also from Central Asia (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan), but differs most notably in the form of the male genitalia


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How to Cite

Engel, M. S., & Packer, L. (2013). A new species of Chiasmognathus from Kazakhstan (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Melittology, 10, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.17161/jom.v0i10.4513

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