A new genus of anthophorine bees from Brunei (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Anthophila, Apoidea, Apidae, Apinae, AnthophoriniAbstract
A new genus of anthophorine bees (Apinae: Anthophorini) is described and figured from a remarkable female collected in eastern Brunei (northern Borneo). Varthemapistra edentata Engel, new genus and species, is most similar to species of Habrophorula Lieftinck, which occur in southeastern China, and Elaphropoda Lieftinck, found broadly across Southeast Asia. Habrophorula and the new genus both have the third submarginal cell broad anteriorly and posteriorly. Unique among anthophorines, V. edentata has a simple female mandible, while other Anthophorini have bidentate or tridentate mandibles. The genus is described and figured, and a revised key to the genera of Anthophorini provided.Metrics
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