Submitting Meetings (Abstracts, Summaries, Photographs from meetings & Posters)

Presentations from neuromuscular meetings including overviews/summaries of the meeting, abstracts, posters and photographs from meetings are welcome. Contact the Facilitator in Chief or one of the Associate Facilitators if you want the abstracts and proceedings from a meeting published in RRNMF Neuromuscular Journal.

Details for the preparation of Meetings

Title Page:

The title page (page 1) should contain (1) Name and dates of the meeting (2) where
the meeting was held (3) what organization sponsored the meeting if there was one. (4) one to
five key words (5) the author or authors of those submitting this information of the meeting that
includes the first name (spelled out), middle initial, and last name of each author with the highest academic degrees and institutional affiliation; (6) names of the department(s) and institutions of
the authors (7)) contact information for the corresponding authors and (8)) the sources of support for the meeting if they exist. This can include a list of the governmental, society or industry sponsors.

Description of the Meeting:

Summary of the meeting: The author (s) can provide a summary of the meeting which describes the meeting scientific and social highlights. The meeting agenda can be included in this section
Abstracts: This section can all or a partial set of the abstracts with titles of the authors of each
abstract and their institutions
Photographs: Photographs of the meeting are welcome. Please provide names of individuals in the photographs


Updated 4/6/2020