Submitting Looking Back at Old Stuff (Review Articles)

Looking Back at Old Stuff (Also Known as Review Articles) Manuscripts review the practice of neuromuscular medicine, especially topics for which there is new evidence about diagnosis and management options. Reviews should be comprehensive, and evidence based.

These can include (but is not limited to) systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The links below provide guidance on the conduct and writing of a systematic review or meta-analysis.

Details for the preparation of reviews

Title Page: The title page (page 1) should contain (1) a title; (2) an identified short running head (short title); (3) the first name (spelled out), middle initial, and last name of each author with highest academic degree (s) and institutional affiliation; (4) the name of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work is attributed; (5) any disclaimer; (6) contact information for the corresponding author; and (7) the source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, and/or drugs. If the work described in the manuscript has been formally presented at a scientific meeting, provide the name of the organization, date, and location of the meeting.

 Abstract: Not required.


Updated 03/23/2023