Inaugural Issue of RRNMF Neuromuscular Journal published


The RRNMF Neuromuscular Journal has officially launched with its inaugural issue, volume 1, issue 1. It can be accessed by going to

In the first issue, I have written an opening statement that describes why we created this new journal.  We wanted to create a completely new type of publication that we have total control of and for which there was NO CHARGE to readers, libraries, or those submitting papers. And it would be full open access. And authors have total ownership of what they write. Authors own the copyright.

We were able to do this because of an amazing service that the University of Kansas library offers through their Digital Publishing unit. They have the software capability and expertise to allow any KU faculty to set up a journal in their specialty field. They currently host over 40 journals, including the Kansas Journal of Medicine. Check them out at Journals @ KU.

In this crazy Covid-19 pandemic time, it is nice to have a few interesting projects that keep the discovery process going. 

Enjoy the new RRNMF Neuromuscular Journal. 

Stay Safe, 