Human figures in a circular formation and a brain

About the Journal

The purpose of creating the RRNMF Neuromuscular Journal in 2020 was to build a venue for our colleagues in the field of neuromuscular medicine to have a hassle free and easy way to get published in a journal devoted to neuromuscular disorders.  No fees are charged and authors own the copyright in their articles.

We were able to do this because of an amazing service that the University of Kansas library offers through their Digital Publishing unit. They have the software capability and expertise to allow any KU faculty to set up a journal in their specialty field. They currently host over 56 journals, including the Kansas Journal of Medicine. Check them out at Journals @ KU.

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)
					View Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-03-01

Full Issue

Letter from the Founding Facilitator

What’s on your Mind: Commentaries (Letters to the Facilitators)

New Discoveries and Original Research

Clinic and Case Reports


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