Journals@KU, an initiative of the KU Libraries Digital Publishing Services program, supports the KU community in the publication of scholarly journals online.  Our online open access publishing model follows best practices and standards that are designed to increase the reach and impact of the research, as well as providing long-term stewardship of the material after publication.

Services provided:

  • Support KU editors in starting peer-reviewed online open access journals, including advice on publishing best practices and technical support in the the use of the publication software
  • Help KU editors to transition commercially-published journals to an open access publication model, including the hosting of previously-published issues and articles 
  • Advise KU editors about best practices for open access publishing and promotion
  • Provide layout services to format journal issues and articles for publication on our Journals@KU or KU ScholarWorks platforms
  • Generate and register DOIs for publications
  • Help KU scholars explore new and emerging publishing models
  • Advise members of the KU community about the benefits of using an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for their publications
  • Monitor and address campus concerns and questions about electronic publishing
  • Maintain the KUEDITORS-L online discussion list for all KU editors
  • Periodically host KU Editors' Forums open to all KU editors

All services are offered free of charge by KU Libraries Digital Publishing Services.

If you're interested in publishing a new journal, if you'd like to join our KU Editors group, or if you have any questions about our program, please check out the resources on our Digital Publishing Services website or contact Marianne Reed, Digital Publishing & Repository Manager at

Our guide for editors, Resources for Editors of Scholarly Journals, is a good starting point for those who are considering starting a journal or who are looking for information about managing an existing journal. For those journals on the OJS platform, the Using Open Journal Systems pages for version 2.x, version 3.0 and version 3.3 can be especially helpful.

Journals and Serials

KU Libraries provides KU journal editors with the technical infrastructure to publish their journals on either of two platforms: KU ScholarWorks, KU's institutional repository, which makes journals visible to a wide audience and assures their long term preservation and Open Journal Systems (OJS), which makes journals visible and assures their preservation, but also supports the entire editorial management workflow, including article submission, multiple rounds of peer-review, and indexing.


  • Serican Journal of Medicine

    Serican Journal of Medicine is a peer-reviewed open access journal to the general audience, medical students, and medical professionals. Serican Journal of Medicine is an official journal of the Serican Academy of Urology ( , a none-for-profit organization. We focus on publishing the cutting-edge medical investigations and novel therapeutics of human diseases in all medical disciplines.

  • Competency-Based Education Research Journal

    The Competency-Based Education Research Journal advances knowledge and provides information about competency-based education through rigorous empirical research studies and integrative conceptual reviews of the literature. This is a peer-reviewed, open access journal with no costs to authors or consumers.

  • Aion. Journal of Philosophy and Science

    Aion. Journal of Philosophy and Science is an international, open-access and peer-reviewed journal hosted and published by the University of Kansas Libraries.

    The journal is committed to publishing original and relevant research in the areas of Philosophy and Science. It thus accepts philosophical papers motivated by scientific research as well as scientific papers dealing with philosophical problems. Aion also accepts articles dealing with new problems, areas and topics of philosophical and scientifically motivated research as well as with concepts of major philosophical significance in our time.

    Beyond European and North American philosophy, Aion aims at establishing constructive relationships with African, Asian, Australian and South American philosophical communities. 

    The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.

  • Bulletin (Kansas Geological Survey)

    KGS Bulletins are open-access, peer-reviewed publications of the Kansas Geological Survey, a research and service division of the University of Kansas. Bulletins constitute extensive research works, historical documentation, reference works with a long shelf life, or bibliographies, with an emphasis on Kansas geology.

    This journal site is a work in progress.   If you need assistance finding bulletins that are not on the site, please contact


  • Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Physics of Ultra Peripheral Collisions

    Proceedings of the International workshop on the physics of Ultra Peripheral Collisions will be published biannually. 

    Topics include:

    • Recent experimental results at HERA, RHIC and LHC  
    • Theoretical description of exclusive photon-proton and photon-nucleus scattering
    • Nuclear PDFs developments using photon-induced data 
    • Nonlinear and gluon saturation effects in photon-nucleus scattering 
    • Hadronization in exclusive processes  
    • Soft nucleon and nucleus interactions 
    • Photoproduction in events with nuclear overlap 
    • UPCs and future electron-ion colliders 
  • Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice

    The Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice (GJCCP) is an online journal for practitioners of community psychology and community improvement.  We seek contributions from community practitioners in many fields including community development, public health, community organizing and others. Please consider sharing your knowledge, insights and accomplishments with the practice community along with innovations that may help communities throughout the world.

  • Druze Studies Journal

    Druze Studies Journal (DSJ) is a peer-reviewed open-access interdisciplinary journal that aims to advance scholarly understanding of the Druze communities, including their history, society, and faith.

    The journal provides a platform for exchanging knowledge, scholarship, and ideas among scholars who produce scholarship focusing on the Druze. The journal aims to increase scholarly publications on the Druze, specifically comparative projects between communities in various countries, including diasporic communities. The journal will publish discipline-specific research projects and will encourage interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research on the Druze in a way that analyzes and synthesizes links between disciplines into a coordinated and coherent whole to explain the Druze’s history, present, and future.

  • Journal of German-American Studies

    Journal of German-American Studies (1976-1980) was the second of three journals published by the Society for German-American Studies.   It was preceded by German-American Studies (1969-1975) and followed by the Yearbook of German-American Studies (1981-present). 

    For current research, please see the Yearbook of German-American StudiesMembers of the Society for German-American Studies are welcome to submit new research there for consideration.

  • Africana Annual

    Africana Annual is intentionally interdisciplinary in nature to accommodate many fields and branches of research and knowledge as long as their diverse contributions find a thematic and epistemological relationship to Africa and its far-flung Diaspora. While this encompasses the more traditional and established studies in history, literature, music, politics, geography, philosophy, education, economics, business, fine and performing arts, anthropology, communication, linguistics, sociology, culture, and religion, the journal also invites articles from other academic fields such as gender and sexuality studies, global and international studies, comparative studies, environmental studies, film and media studies, digital and emerging social platforms, international and national laws, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Reports from the world of science and medicine that relate to Africa and the African Diaspora are also considered.

    While the Africana Annual is open to studies of a single area or phenomenon in the Africana world, it also aspires to reflect the intellectual and broadly-defined “political” connections between Africa and the African Diaspora, offering critical space for scholarly explorations of their shared historical and contemporary realities, and of future possibilities. Authors are thus invited to submit works that examine key issues that deepen interdisciplinary and global conversations on topics about Africa (north and south of the Sahara), African America, the Americas (North, South, and Central), the Caribbean, Asia, and Europe. The journal also visualizes an interconnected world with Africa as its center of inquiry, and welcomes profound articles that elucidate that vision.

  • Paleontological Contributions

    Paleontological Contributions is an online-only, open-access, rapid publication journal, available free of charge to anyone with internet access. 

    The journal invites submissions that deal with all aspects of paleontology or related biological disciplines. Original research articles and monographs are welcome.  Systematic treatments, including descriptions of new taxa, are welcome, and Paleontological Contributions complies with the requirements of ICBN and ICZN for publication of valid nomenclature.

    Paleontological Contributions supersedes the University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, new series, which consolidated into one format the three series that were published previously, Monographs, Articles, and Papers. All previous versions of Paleontological Contributions can be found on the University of Kansas ScholarWorks site.

    The author publication agreement is available here.

  • Zenith! Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities

    Zenith! Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities is a student-run, student-reviewed, and student-published annual academic journal for undergraduates at The University of Kansas to publish their research in the Humanities. We define Humanities as one of our Partners' subjects, international studies, and interdisciplinary studies. Submissions can be class assignments, independent research projects, or parts of senior theses, as long as they were written by an undergraduate at KU.  From 2016-2020, Zenith! was known as the Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanites.   Issues 1-4 of URJH can be found on the URJH website

  • Yearbook of German-American Studies

    The Yearbook of German-American Studies is published annually by the Society for German-American Studies.  The editor welcomes contributions in English, preferably, or German, on the history, language, literature, and culture of the German element in the Americas.   This includes coverage of the immigrants and their descendants from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other German-speaking areas of Europe.

    The maps on this site show U.S. Census data about the number of people with German Ancestry1 and the number of speakers of German2.  Both maps are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    1 Kilpinen, Jon T., 2014. "German Ancestry, 2012." United States Map Gallery. Map 06.06.

    2 Kilpinen, Jon T., 2014. "German Speakers, 2012." United States Map Gallery. Map 11.07.

  • Journal of North American Herpetology

    The Journal of North American Herpetology (JNAH) (ISSN 2333-0694) provides an open access on-line venue for peer-reviewed contributions on all aspects of North American Herpetology within the geographic boundaries of the United States and Canada. JNAH is a continuation of Contemporary Herpetology, the first herpetological on-line peer reviewed journal, published from 1998-2009.

  • German-American Studies

    German-American Studies (1969-75) was the first of three journals published by the Society for German-American Studies.   It was followed by the Journal of German-American Studies (1976-1980) and the Yearbook of German-American Studies (1981-present). 

    New submissions by members of the Society for German-American Studies are welcome at the Yearbook of German-American Studies

  • Jayhawk Journalist

    Jayhawk Journalist was the alumni magazine of the William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Kansas.  The magazine’s mission has always been to main contact with journalism alumni and keep them informed about life where they once experienced it. The first edition was published in 1970, and was printed regularly until 2018, when this format was discontinued. 

    All of the past issues from 1970-2018 are available on this site.

  • Midcontinent Geoscience

    Midcontinent Geoscience is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication of the Kansas Geological Survey. The journal publishes original research on a broad array of geoscience topics, with an emphasis on the midcontinent region of the United States, including the Great Plains and Central Lowland provinces.

    Benefits to authors:

    • Free for authors
    • No page or color figure charges
    • Online, open-access publishing
    • Author retains full copyright
    • No limits on pages, figures, or tables
    • Professional editing by the KGS technical editor
    • Pages crawled daily by internet search engines for quick visibility

    We are now accepting submissions for the next volume of Midcontinent Geoscience.

    As of January 2020, Midcontinent Geoscience replaced the previous Kansas Geological Survey geoscience journal, Current Research in Earth Sciences.

  • RRNMF Neuromuscular Journal

    The purpose of creating the RRNMF Neuromuscular Journal in 2020 was to provide our colleagues in the field of neuromuscular medicine with publishing opportunities in an online and open access journal devoted to neuromuscular disorders.  No publishing or subscription fees are charged and authors own the copyright in their articles. 

    We were able to do this because of an amazing service that the University of Kansas library offers through their Digital Publishing unit. They have the software capability and expertise to allow any KU faculty to set up a journal in their specialty field. They currently host over 56 journals, including the Kansas Journal of Medicine. Check them out at Journals @ KU.

  • Human Communication & Technology

    Human Communication & Technology is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research on the intersection of human communication and technology. HCT aspires to be the leading journal at this intersection. 

  • Contemporary Herpetology

    Contemporary Herpetology (CH) was an electronic journal published from 1998 to 2009 that was designed to facilitate the dissemination of herpetological information. CH maintained high scientific standards and all submitted articles had to pass peer-review prior to publication. CH published articles covering all aspects of herpetology, including ecology, ethology, systematics, conservation biology, and physiology, as well as reviews, monographs, points-of-view, and faunistic surveys of poorly known areas. The journal published its last issue in 2009. 

    For current research, please see the Journal of North American Herpetology (JNAH)

  • Current Research in Earth Sciences

    Current Research in Earth Sciences, a peer-reviewed journal of the Kansas Geological Survey, began publication in 1993 as Current Research on Kansas Geology. The name was changed in 1995 to reflect the broader scope of the bulletin. The journal ceased publication in 2018 and was replaced by Midcontinent Geoscience in 2020.


  • auslegung: a journal of philosophy

    Auslegung: A Journal of Philosophy is a philosophical journal run by the philosophical community at The University of Kansas. The journal was founded in 1973 and publishes work of philosophical import on a broad range of topics.

  • Midwestern Journal of Undergraduate Sciences

    Welcome to the Midwestern Journal of Undergraduate Sciences!  The Midwestern Journal of Undergraduate Sciences is an online publication that advances knowledge of undergraduate life sciences research through research studies and critical reviews of the literature available in an open access forum. Submissions are invited from diverse disciplines and a range of research paradigms that contribute to scholarship for the undergraduate research community as well as the broader field of biology.

  • European Journal of Ecology

    European Journal of Ecology, founded and funded by the University of Presov, Prešov, Slovakia publishes original, peer-reviewed papers (Research Articles, Reviews, Forum Articles and Policy Directions) from all fields of ecology. Contributions are published continuously, appearing in the journal as they are accepted and prepared for publication.  European Journal of Ecology welcomes manuscripts focusing on any levels, scope, and scale of biological organization, and any taxon of living organisms from microbes to humans. Observational and experimental studies, in silico model studies, hypotheses and policy papers are all considered for publication to the extent that they are scientifically sound.

  • Kansas Journal of Medicine

    The Kansas Journal of Medicine publishes original research, brief reports, reviews, commentaries, and case studies on all aspects of clinical medicine, health care delivery, health policy, and medical education.

  • Journal of Russian American Studies

    The Journal of Russian American Studies (JRAS) is an open access peer-reviewed journal focused on the history of Russian-American studies from the 18th to the 21st centuries.  Its aim is to be a forum for the latest scholarship regarding the history of the intricate relationship between Russia (broadly defined) and the United States.   The journal welcomes submissions and publishes articles and book reviews in English and Russian.

  • Journal of Intercollegiate Sport

    The Journal of Intercollegiate Sport (JIS) provides an exciting forum for research specifically addressing sport in college and university settings. This interdisciplinary journal publishes articles from the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and professional fields, providing a complete look at all factors affecting intercollegiate sport. The research presented crosses traditional academic boundaries and challenges current views and practices while maintaining an informative rather than editorial focus.

    Published semiannually, JIS contains peer-reviewed research with both theoretical and practical significance. As such, the journal contributes to further research and understanding of intercollegiate athletics, as well as provides ideas on how to improve or change current policies and practices.

  • Chimères

    Welcome to Chimères, a journal of French & Francophone Literatures and Cultures. In publication since 1967, the journal is managed by the Graduate Student Organization of the Department of French, Francophone & Italian Studies at the University of Kansas. Chimères accepts the submission of papers which deal with any aspect of French or Francophone literature. Our goal is to contribute to and encourage the expansion of research and scholarship in all fields of Francophone study.

  • IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies

    The web address of this site changed on July 1, 2024 to  Any links containing will fail after July 1.  Please update any bookmarks or links to the new address before the change.  Thank you!  

    From 1966-2018, the IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies published praxis-oriented research and review articles addressing the interface of technology with language teaching, learning and/or research.

    After careful deliberations, IALLT decided to discontinue the publication of the IALLT Journal in 2018 and to make FLTMAG ( the official publication for the organization. FLTMAG has quickly established an audience of CALL practitioners and we believe that a web-based resource focused on praxis (rather than research) better reflects IALLT’s position in the field.  This site houses the complete run of IALLT publications from the first NALLD Newsletter in 1967 through the last issue of the IALLT Journal in 2018.

    We invite you to follow the continuing evolution of IALLT by adding FLTMAG to your list of regular reading.

  • Journal of Amateur Sport

    The overarching mission of the Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) is to provide scholars an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level. We acknowledge the tenuous debate surrounding the amateurism of intercollegiate athletics, thus at this time we welcome examinations that are focused on the less commercialized avenues of college sport participation and governance (especially NCAA Division II, III, and other less publicized governing bodies and settings). Submissions from all disciplines are encouraged, including sociology, communication, and organizational behavior. Similarly, we welcome a wide array of methodological and structural approaches, including conceptual frameworks, narratives, surveys, interviews, and ethnographies.

  • Merrill Series on The Research Mission of Public Universities

    In publication since 1997, The Merrill Series on the Research Mission of Public Universities is a series of papers that represents exchanges between faculty and administrators who are committed to nationally-competitive research at their state schools.  Participants who attend the annual Merrill Research Retreat share best practices for supporting innovative faculty, building research programs between institutions and enhancing institutional rankings.  This series of retreats and papers is made possible by benefactors Virginia and Fred Merrill. 

  • American Studies

    American Studies (AMSJ) is a quarterly interdisciplinary journal sponsored by the Mid-America American Studies Association; the KU Office for Research; The College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota; the Center for Race, Indigeneity, Disability, Gender and Sexuality Studies (RIDGS), University of Minnesota; the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Kansas; University of Kansas Libraries; and the Departments of American Studies at University of Kansas and University of Minnesota. 

    American Studies (AMSJ) first appeared in 1959, and has 1,000 current subscribers. In 2005 it merged with American Studies International (ASI), and welcomes submissions with an international perspective. ASI, a journal for American Studies scholars outside the U.S., was published by the American Studies Department at George Washington University for over forty years. Beginning with Vol. 45 (2004), ASI ceased publication as an independent journal, and merged with AMSJ, with the agreement that AMSJ would devote at least one issue a year (or the equivalent) to transnational American Studies scholarship, international American Studies authors, and would maintain a significant showing of scholars outside the U.S. on its editorial board. The “On Teaching” forum, now on the AMSJ blog, originated as an ASI feature.

    With an editorial board from a number of areas of study, the journal offers provocative perspectives on a variety of issues. Frequent special sections and special issues create a space for a broad discussion on a single topic. Articles on pedagogy inform the American Studies classroom. The book review section aims at keeping readers conversant with contemporary scholarship. This electronic edition provides free access to the back issues of the journal. The most recent three years are available via print subscription only.

  • Journal of Melittology

    A Journal of Bee Biology, Ecology, Evolution, & Systematics

    The Journal of Melittology is an international, open access journal that seeks to rapidly disseminate the results of research conducted on bees (Apoidea: Anthophila) in their broadest sense. Our mission is to promote the understanding and conservation of wild and managed bees and to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and the public worldwide. The journal encourages submissions in any area of melittology, particularly works on non-Apis bees. Manuscrips on Apis bees will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Each article receives a DOI. All nomenclatural articles are registered in ZooBank and conform to the latest standards of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, and the journal is archived in PORTICO (

    The Journal is best viewed in FireFox or Chrome, and is indexed in Google Scholar and CAB International.

    NOTES: The maximum size of papers processed via the normal means is presently 38 printed pages. Larger works are now possible but will take considerably longer time to process by our volunteer staff and so will experience longer turn-around times. 

  • Focus on Exceptional Children

    Focus on Exceptional Children (FOEC) represents a unique opportunity for professionals concerned with the education of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with dis/abilities to publish on topics that warrant extensive discussion in the literature and are of critical importance to advancing the field. FOEC has filled this need with distinction for over forty years. Many faculty members and graduates of the Department of Special Education have published in Focus on Exceptional Children and have served on the national advisory board established by Stan Love of the Love Publishing Company to guide FOEC throughout its history. The Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas recognizes the leadership that Love Publishing Company provided over decades, championing the role of special education in addressing the difficult challenges that faced students with disabilities, their families, and the profession that served them.

    To continue the work of Focus on Exceptional Children, the University of Kansas and the Department of Special Education propose to honor Stan Love’s legacy of making available internationally thoughtful, expansive articles that deal with the critical topics in our field. We pursue this opportunity with the consent and endorsement of the Love family to incorporate Focus on Exceptional Children as a central component of the department’s mission to communicate evidence based practices and to inform research, policies and ideas that impact the future.

  • FOLKLORICA - Journal of the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association

    The Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association is devoted to an exchange of knowledge among scholars interested in Slavic, East European and Eurasian folklore. SEEFA seeks to promote instruction in Slavic, East European and Eurasian folklore, organizes panels on the subject at national and international conferences, encourages the preparation of teaching materials and translations, and fosters exchanges. SEEFA also seeks to promote joint research, scholarly exchanges and conferences, expeditions, and publications with scholars in Slavic, East European and Eurasian countries.

    As of January 2020, Folklorica is a fully open access journal. No subscription is required.

  • Journal of Copyright in Education & Librarianship

    The Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship is a peer-reviewed open-access publication for original articles, reviews and case studies that analyze or describe the strategies, partnerships and impact of copyright law on public, school, academic, and digital libraries, archives, museums, and research institutions and their educational initiatives.

    The journal welcomes original research and practitioner experience papers, legal analysis, as well as submissions in alternative formats.

    JCEL does not charge submission or any other form of author fees. Copyright in the articles will remain with the authors, and all articles will be published under a Creative Commons license.

    Please visit the Focus and Scope section for additional information.

  • Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology

    Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology provides open access to searchable PDF files of all 53 published volumes. Volumes can be downloaded in their entirety or as individual chapters. 

    The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology provides morphologic, taxonomic, systematic, stratigraphic, and biogeographic information/data on organisms comprising all the “invertebrate” phyla with a significant fossil record, as well as certain unicellular organisms, e.g., “Protoctista”, “Protista”, and Eubacteria/Archaea. Entire volumes or individual chapters of each volume can be viewed and downloaded.

    All content is provided open access with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) license.

    The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology is published by the Paleontological Institute at the University of Kansas, and receives financial support from the Paleontological Society.

  • Biodiversity Informatics

    This electronic journal focuses on the emerging field of biodiversity informatics--the creation, integration, analysis, and understanding of information regarding biological diversity. The journal encourages submissions in any area of the biodiversity informatics enterprise. 

  • Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities

    Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities was a student-run, student-reviewed, and student-published annual academic journal for undergraduates at The University of Kansas to publish their research in the Humanities.  In 2021, URJH changed its name to Zenith!  Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities and launched a new website.  Starting with v.5, all new issues can be found on the Zenith! website


  • Issues in Language Instruction

    Issues in Language Instruction is a peer-reviewed journal for and by university instructors of English to speakers of additional languages (EAL). The mission of the journal is to explore innovation in all kinds of EAL instruction, including English for academic purposes, English for professional purposes, and general ESL at the university level. ILI welcomes all kinds of submissions related to the practice, interpretation, and advancement of our profession.

  • Journal of Montessori Research

    The Journal of Montessori Research advances knowledge of Montessori education through empirical research studies, critical reviews of the literature, theoretical essays, and scholarly book reviews available in an open access forum.

  • Iguana

    The journal has appeared in many forms over time, starting with Volume 1, number 1 in 1990 as the Iguana Times, the newsletter of the International Iguana Society. By 1995, (Volume 4) the Iguana Times had renamed itself as a “journal,” and in 2003 (Volume 10), it adopted the name Iguana. What had started as a few stapled and photocopied pages became a 24-page printed publication with color covers. With the demise of the International Iguana Society (IIS) in 2005 (Volume 12), publication of the journal was assumed by the International Reptile Conservation Foundation (IRCF) and it was renamed Iguana: Conservation, Natural History, and Husbandry of Reptiles to reflect its broader coverage of the reptilian world. Nurtured by the IRCF, the journal expanded to a 64-page full-color publication, which, in 2009 (Volume 16) took on its current name, Reptiles & Amphibians.

  • Latin American Theatre Review

    Latin American Theatre Review (LATR) is published twice per year by KU’s Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Founded in 1967, LATR covers all aspects of Latin@ and Latin American theatre and performance and has grown to be one of the premiere scholarly journals in its field.

    This electronic edition provides free access to the journal's back issues, including over 1,000 scholarly articles, news items, theater schedules, and book and performance reviews.

    The most recent 5 years are available only through a print or institutional subscription to Project Muse.


    Latin American Theatre Review (LATR) se publica dos veces al año en la Universidad de Kansas por el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe.  LATR fue fundado en 1967 y abarca todos los aspectos de teatro y performance, tanto de latinoamericanos como de US Latinos, y se ha convertido en una de las principales revistas académicas en su campo.

    La edición electrónica provee acceso gratuito a los números pasados de la revista, que incluye más de 1,000 artículos académicos, noticias, carteleras teatrales y reseñas de libros y representaciones escénicas.

    Los últimos cinco años sólo están disponibles por subscripción a la edición impresa e institucional a Project Muse

  • Reptiles & Amphibians

    Reptiles & Amphibians (ISSN 2332-4961) is an international open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed research in all aspects of herpetology with an emphasis on conservation and natural history. In addition, R&A profiles ongoing efforts in herpetological conservation, key persons involved in herpetological conservation and research, and international destinations of herpetological interest. Follow us on Twitter at RandAJournal.

  • Treatise Online

    Treatise Online publishes chapters prepared for parts of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology as they are ready, rather than waiting for an entire hard copy Treatise volume to be printed. Chapters from the following Treatise parts are completed, nearing completion, or in preparation: Part E (hypercalcified sponges), Part F (Cnidaria), Part G (bryozoans), Part J (paleozoic gastropoda), Part L (ammonoids), Part M (coleiods), Part N (bivalves), Part P (chelicerates), Part R (decapods), and Part T (crinoids).

    The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology is published by the Paleontological Institute at the University of Kansas, and receives financial support from the Paleontological Society

  • Novitates Paleoentomologicae

    A Journal of Occasional Fossil Insect Research at the University of Kansas

    NOTICE: The journal has been suspended as of 2023 and is no longer taking submissions.

    Novitates Paleoentomologicae is an open access journal that sought to disseminate the results of research conducted at or in association with the University of Kansas Division of Entomology on all aspects of insect paleontology, inlcuding their other arthropod relatives. Its mission was to promote the understanding and study of paleoentomology and related disciplines. All nomenclatural articles are registered in ZooBank and conform to the latest standards of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, each issue has a DOI, and the journal is archived in PORTICO ( Potential articles must be approved for submission by the Editor-in-Chief.

    The Journal is best viewed in FireFox or Chrome, and is indexed in Google Scholar and Zoological Record.


  • Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism

    The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism (JDTC) was founded in 1986 at the University of Kansas and publishes full-length articles that contribute to the varied conversations in dramatic theory and criticism, explore the relationship between theory and theatre practice, and/or examine recent scholarship by a single author. The JDTC is published twice each year by the Department of Theatre & Dance with support from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. This electronic edition provides free access to the back issues of the journal. All issues published after 2011 are available via print subscription and online through Project Muse. For more information, visit our page at the Department of Theatre & Dance.

    You can find our newest issue on Project Muse. Below is our most current open-access issue from 2011.

    Follow us on Twitter (@j_dtc) and visit us on Facebook!

  • Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics

    Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics (KWPL), ISSN 1043-3805 (print), ISSN 2378-7600 (online) is an annual publication of the University of Kansas Department of Linguistics. KWPL is intended as an open-access forum for the presentation of the latest original research by the faculty and students of the Department of Linguistics and other related departments at the University of Kansas. Contributions by persons not associated with the University of Kansas are also welcome. Since KWPL is a working paper, publication in KWPL does not preclude later publication elsewhere of revised versions of papers. 

    The journal does not charge any fees to publish articles.

  • Cottonwood

    Cottonwood is a literary magazine publishing new and well-known writers of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. We publish a wide variety of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.

    Cottonwood welcomes submissions of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, preferably through this website.
    Please limit poetry submissions to five, prose submissions to one story or essay. Submissions sent to our physical mailing address will not be returned unless they are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, and submissions are read year-round.

    Cottonwood receives support from the Department of English of the University of Kansas. Production is facilitated by the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences of the University of Kansas and KU Libraries.

    Cottonwood is indexed by the Humanities International Complete, Poem Finder, and the Index of American Periodical Verse.

    This electronic edition provides free access to the back issues of the journal. The most recent three years are available via print subscription only.


  • Iguana Times

    The journal has appeared in many forms over time, starting with Volume 1, number 1 in 1990 as the Iguana Times, the newsletter of the International Iguana Society. By 1995, (Volume 4) the Iguana Times had renamed itself as a “journal,” and in 2003 (Volume 10), it adopted the name Iguana. What had started as a few stapled and photocopied pages became a 24-page printed publication with color covers. With the demise of the International Iguana Society (IIS) in 2005 (Volume 12), publication of the journal was assumed by the International Reptile Conservation Foundation (IRCF) and it was renamed Iguana: Conservation, Natural History, and Husbandry of Reptiles to reflect its broader coverage of the reptilian world. Nurtured by the IRCF, the journal expanded to a 64-page full-color publication, which, in 2009 (Volume 16) took on its current name, Reptiles & Amphibians.

  • Working Papers Series in Theoretical and Applied Economics

    Working Papers Series in Theoretical and Applied Economics is a series of papers in theoretical and applied economics that represents original research on a broad array of topics in economics and finance as well as related fields from faculty and students at the Department of Economics at the University of Kansas.